Mittens from Rovaniemi

23 Feb 2017

This past week, I took a class about “Lapland Hand Garments”, which explored a technique used by the Sami to knit their distinctive mittens. We knit wristlets to practice the technique, and I took home enough yarn to knit a full pair of mittens.

After picking out my colors, I spent at least a half hour coloring in a chart with all the different combinations I could use. I was one of those kids who hated coloring, but I like building things, and that has stayed with me basically forever. I just finished up the first version of the Rovaniemi Mitten Chart, and you can check it out here: mittens from rovaniemi

I’ve noticed that a couple things don’t work – color selectors on the ipad don’t work, and I’d like to add a canvas element that will let you right-click save, but there are workarounds, and nobody but me is using it anyways. I’m taking another class with Susanna this weekend, and I’ll see if she has any useful feedback for me.